Contral S.r.l. headquarter in Villorba (TV) Italia


Attention: we exclusively serve businesses and industry professionals. We do not provide services and products to private individuals.

Contact us for any information regarding our outdoor furniture products and our delivery methods. We will reply as soon as possible. Thanks

Contral s.r.l.
VAT No.: IT03675330264
Share Cap. € 10.500,00 f.p.

Via Roma, 261/24
31020 Villorba (TV)

tel: +39 0422 444850

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Maya chair light blue > request more info

Request more information about Maya chair light blue. Collection Maya, Polipropilene, chairs and armchairs for outdoor furnishings.

Hospitality Riva Del Garda

Hospitality Riva Del Garda | 3 - 6 February 2024
We look forward to seeing you in pavilion 2 - Stand D20
Exhibition Centre Riva del Garda - Italy


